I wanted to share a wonderful experience that I had last night and this morning, with my dogs. Last night, I was practicing some sun salutations on my mat in my home studio, about an hour before teaching a class. As I was in downward dog, my lab, Zen, walked behind my feet, and started licking my ankles. My ujjayi breath soon turned into laughter at the sight. He wouldn't stop. As I continued to practice and move towards the floor for badhakonasana, once again, he started to lick my feet. It was quite funny.
This morning, as they were a little sleepy after their walk and meal, I started my morning practice. As I was in downward dog, my other dog, Rocco, walked next to my mat and also stretched into downward dog, as if he was trying to teach me the real thing. As I went into prasarita padotasana, he did the cutest thing. He came to my mat, lied down with his chin on the floor, right between my legs. As I exhaled into my forward bend, my nose was about 2 inches from his nose, and all we did was look into each other's eyes. It was beautiful and so special. I think he went into a zone after that, because next thing I know, as I moved through my practice, he rolled unto his side, and placed his head close to my feet and stayed so still. He put the biggest smile on my face.
This is where I witness how yoga becomes a benefit, not just for the one who practices, but for the ones who surround you. What a way to share YOGA!
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