Sunday, July 19, 2009

Benefits of Yoga

General Benefits:
-Normalizes weight
-Alleviates insomnia
-Reduces effects of stress
-Strengthens immune system
-Improves focus, concentration, & mood
-Relieves fatigue & boosts energy levels

Muscoloskeletal Benefits:
-Tones muscles
-Prevents hernia
-Corrects bad posture
-Prevents osteoporosis
-Relieves lower backache
-Prevents & treats back problems
-Keeps muscles flexible & joints movable

Cardiovascular Benefits:
-Improves circulation
-Can normalize blood pressure
-Tones the muscles of the heart

Respiratory Benefits:
-Improves sinus conditions
-Improves breathing capacity
-Improves asthmatic symptoms

Hormonal Benefits:
-Can increase fertility
-Regulates menstrual cycle
-Helps to prevent hot flashes

Digestive Benefits:
-Rejuvenates abdominal organs
-Improves digestion
-Can improve constipation
-Relieves stomach ache

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