Monday, March 9, 2009

Practicing Yoga during this financial crisis

Are you finding it hard to spend money these days due to your job situation or worry about your financial future? What are your priorities when you decide to spend money at a time like this? For me, as a yoga instructor and a daily practitioner, I really can't imagine doing away with my YOGA. It is what keeps me sane and relaxed in the middle of all this chaos. I also know that there aren't too many things out there that cost $15 or less, that will give me an hour of sanity. If I can take a one-hour yoga class for only $15 or less when I buy a frequent class pass, I think it is well worth it. Everyone needs to take care of themselves, especially during these stressful times. As I have always said and experienced, there isn't a lot out there that will give you physical, mental, and emotional benefits like yoga does. Remember, it is more than a physical practice. It is a LIFESTYLE.
When I think of the things I find to be a priority no matter what, they are eating healthy and exercising. These are the things that will keep you going not just for yourself but for your family. When you are happy and in harmony, your family can be too.

1 comment:

runjen said...

I couldn't agree more! I just found your blog and am really enjoying it. I am also in Columbus.