Saturday, July 5, 2008

Paper or Plastic?

As a yoga instructor and a woman, I feel it is my duty to share this link with you. It is regarding the dangers of plastic.

Please start making the following changes and inspire others to do the same:
· Stop purchasing plastic bottled water
· Stop purchasing plastic bottled drinks
· Ask for paper bags instead of plastic at the grocery store
· Change your plastic Tupperware to glass pyrex or another brand
A few years ago, I met a man on an airplane that did all kinds of research around the world. He told me how BAD plastic was. It is so bad that it even works as a hormone/endocrine disruptor. He told me how there were children in other countries getting their periods at very early ages. It made me wonder why so many women these days are having trouble getting pregnant and miscarrying so often. At least a few times per month, I meet someone who has some type of issue with their reproductive organs or having trouble conceiving. Now, I know there might be some other things involved with these issues, but plastic doesn’t help the situation.

If you have a special woman or women in your life, do the right thing. Don’t add to this problem. We can all help somehow. Spread this message and make some changes for the betterment of our health.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I saw a story on the Today show a few months ago about the dangers of plastic water bottles. Even worse than the "single use" ones you buy are the hard plastic ones designed to be re-usable. The effect on hormones is a serious issue. In addition to reproductive issues, fybroid tumors are also more common than ever.