Thursday, December 11, 2008

The Truth to Success

I came across this quote in my Franklin planner, and wanted to share it. Yes, I do own a Franklin planner. I like to be organized.
"Success means we go to sleep at night knowing that our talents and abilities were used in a way that served others." -Marianne Williamson
So many of us feel unsuccessful in our lives due to either not making work deadlines, not making enough money, not having the title we think we deserve, or not being in a certain place in our lives as we expected or had planned years ago. All these so called "unsuccessful barometers" put so much pressure on us, and usually, it is social pressure.
When was the last time you felt successful just because you helped a friend in need, volunteered your time at a shelter, took care of a sick family member, or taught yoga class. All these examples are successful. I have to remember that myself. When I see smiles and peace across my students' faces, I remember that I am using my passion for yoga to help others. I also remember that I can use yoga to help myself.

Acupuncture - A Complementary Therapy

Once per month, I go for an acupuncture session, and I have to say, I look forward to that session every time. I discovered acupuncture back in 2003, and it has been one of the most amazing therapies I have experienced since yoga. In fact, I think it is a great compliment to yoga in that it works on the energy and balance of the whole body.
On Tuesday of this week, I went for my monthly acupuncture session. It was so relaxing that I fell asleep during the session, and forgot where I was. In fact, at one point, when I woke up, I thought I was in my meditation room in savasana. Woops!
More and more, I have been recommending acupuncture to friends, family, and students, to use as a complementary therapy to yoga or western medicine. I think there is nothing to lose in trying it at least once. In fact, I think there is a lot to gain from an acupuncture session.
The only negative thing to acupuncture is that you can't stay forever. It is always hard to leave, as I want to experience that relaxing state forever. Also remember that more and more health insurances are starting to pay for acupuncture or at least offer flexible spending accounts to use towards this therapy. I highly recommend it! Give it a try.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Katica Yoga - Lunchtime Classes in Worthington

December - Lunch Hour Yoga Classes for Beginners
Dates: December 4, 11, 18

Time: 12:00 - 1:00 PM
Place: Worthington United Methodist Church
Address: 600 High Street, Worthington, OH
Drop In Fee: $15 per class
Monthly Session: $37.50 (includes 3 classes for December)

To sign up, email:

Animal Advocacy Organizations

People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) is an international nonprofit charitable organization based in Norfolk, Virginia, with affiliates in the United Kingdom, Germany, the Netherlands, India, and the Asia-Pacific Region. Founded in 1980, PETA is dedicated to establishing and defending the rights of all animals. PETA operates under the simple principle that animals are not ours to eat, wear, experiment on, or use for entertainment. PETA educates policymakers and the public about animal abuse and promotes kind treatment of animals.
Mercy For Animals (MFA) is a national 501(c)(3) non-profit animal advocacy organization. Founded in 1999 and over 12,000 members strong, MFA works to create a society where animals are treated with the respect and compassion they so rightly deserve.
Farm Sanctuary:
Farm Sanctuary works to end cruelty to farm animals and promotes compassionate living through rescue, education and advocacy. We envision a world where the violence that animal agriculture inflicts upon people, animals and the environment has ended, and where instead we exercise values of compassion.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Great Restaurant Options for Vegetarians in Columbus

I thought it would be a good idea to share some delicious vegetarian dining options in Columbus. Finding these restaurants were a big help when I first moved here, and I am sure a lot of you could benefit from this information. By dining at these restaurants, you are contributing to our local economy in a healthier way.
Another wonderful thing about vegetarian meals is that you get to explore different ethnic foods. I pretty much eat a different ethnic food every day. Need ideas? Try these foods: Indian, Chinese, Thai, Greek, Mexican, Ethiopian, Japanese, and Middle Eastern. There are so many options. Enjoy!!!
My Favorites:
Northstar Cafe,
Locations in Clintonville and the Short North
Favorites: Veggie burger and Korma Bowl
Benevolence Cafe, 614-221-9330
41 W Swan St., Columbus, OH 43215
Favorites: Sambar Lentil Soup with Goddess bread
247 King Ave., Columbus, OH 43201
Favorites: Menu changes every season
3794 Fishinger Blvd., Hilliard, OH 43026
Favorites: The lunch buffet
Chipotle Mexican Grille,
Various locations in Columbus
Favorites: Vegetarian Burrito Bowl

Friday, November 7, 2008

Practicing Yoga With Your Pets

I wanted to share a wonderful experience that I had last night and this morning, with my dogs. Last night, I was practicing some sun salutations on my mat in my home studio, about an hour before teaching a class. As I was in downward dog, my lab, Zen, walked behind my feet, and started licking my ankles. My ujjayi breath soon turned into laughter at the sight. He wouldn't stop. As I continued to practice and move towards the floor for badhakonasana, once again, he started to lick my feet. It was quite funny.

This morning, as they were a little sleepy after their walk and meal, I started my morning practice. As I was in downward dog, my other dog, Rocco, walked next to my mat and also stretched into downward dog, as if he was trying to teach me the real thing. As I went into prasarita padotasana, he did the cutest thing. He came to my mat, lied down with his chin on the floor, right between my legs. As I exhaled into my forward bend, my nose was about 2 inches from his nose, and all we did was look into each other's eyes. It was beautiful and so special. I think he went into a zone after that, because next thing I know, as I moved through my practice, he rolled unto his side, and placed his head close to my feet and stayed so still. He put the biggest smile on my face.

This is where I witness how yoga becomes a benefit, not just for the one who practices, but for the ones who surround you. What a way to share YOGA!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

November - Lunch Hour Yoga Classes for Beginners

New yoga session begins!

Dates: November 6, 13, and 20
Time: 12:00 - 1:00 PM
Place: Worthington United Methodist Church
Address: 600 High Street, Worthington, OH
Drop In Fee: $15 per class
Monthly Session: $37.50 (includes 3 classes for November)

Monday, October 27, 2008

Diversity in Columbus

It is always wonderful to have the opportunity to embrace different cultures. For me, it is a way to enrich my life with new friends, ethnic foods, amazing traditions and rituals. It is also a way to learn how to respect and accept people for who they are and to learn from one another.
One of the many things I love about living in Columbus, Ohio, is the many presentations and festivals offered. Here is a list of CAPA shows you can attend to enrich your life. It is a great way to learn and appreciate what other cultures have to offer.

11/23/08: Tango Fire

New Style in Bamboo and Organic Cotton

Looking to transition into more eco-friendly apparel? Here is a new Katica style in 70% bamboo, 30% organic cotton.
It feels yummy on your skin! Choose what color fits you best-Leaf or Black.

To shop online, visit:

Monday, October 13, 2008

New Style to Promote Non-Violence

I am really excited to share this new item that I have launched for my Fall/Winter collection. It reads "Ahimsa" which means non-violence. I hope it will spread a positive message around the world.
If you want to shop online, please visit:

Another Good Reason to Avoid Eating Meat

As some of you may know, I am a big advocate for a vegetarian lifestyle. One of my friends recently shared this link with me, which further proves why vegetarianism is a more compassionate and healthier way to go. Please view this information and think twice before preparing your next meal.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Creating a Yoga Space in Your Home

Recently, I was inspired to transform my family room into a yoga studio. I have been teaching classes from my finished basement in my home but I was missing practicing on hard wood floors for better balance. I also have lots of windows and views to the beautiful trees outside, so it was only time before I made this transformation. I can't wait to light up the fireplace in the winter to add more warmth and ambiance to my yoga classes. I hope this inspires all of you to create a yoga space somewhere in your home.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Local Fashion Designers

This past weekend, at the Fashion Lounge at the Health & Lifestyle Expo, I had the priviledge of meeting some of Columbus' and Chicago's up and coming fashion designers. It was wonderful sharing the runway with all these talented designers and being inspired by so much creativity. I hope our paths will cross again. KATICA-yoga apparel wishes all the designers much success in their businesses.

Please check out these designers by visiting their websites to learn more about them and to shop for some amazing styles.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

NBC 4 Health & Lifestyle Expo

This year, KATICA will be featured at the NBC 4 Health & Lifestyle Expo.

Dates: Saturday, Sept. 13th and Sunday, Sept. 14th
Times: Saturday, 10AM-5PM and Sunday, 11AM-5PM
Location: Greater Columbus Convention Center, Hall C
Address: 400 N. High Street, Columbus, OH 43215

Fashion Show: Saturday and Sunday from 11:00 AM - 11:45 AM

Entrance to the Expo and Fashion Show are FREE!!
Bring your friends and family.

Friday, July 11, 2008

Yoga and Religion

I was recently asked if I was a "Catholic Buddhist." It was funny to me, as I never even thought of such an idea. I was raised Catholic and attended Catholic schools for a long time. I was even married in the Catholic Church. At some point, around my early 30's, I started to question my religion. Nothing new for most of us, right? So, I stopped attending Church and didn't focus much on religion being a part of my life. I did still pray every day, more out of habit, I think.
Then, I found yoga! At the beginning, I thought it was just a physical practice. It felt good to my body, it helped me to relax, and it helped me emotionally. I loved every bit of it. So, I decided to get certified to teach yoga, and never realized until I was in the training, how spiritual it was. Wow, it was a lot deeper than doing sun salutations and headstands.
To make a long story short, yoga became a ritual for me to practice being a better person physically, mentally, and emotionally. It actually brought me closer to god and made me more dedicated to god every day, not just once per week at Church. So, what do I do now, you may ask or wonder. I combine both my Catholic religion and my yoga practices for a completeness that I never thought imaginable.
My day begins with walking down the hall to my meditation room. I sit and give myself the sign of the cross. I then do a short Catholic prayer and sit to practice some pranayama-breath exercises. Then, I do mantra meditation in Sanskrit. I sit still anywhere from 15-30 minutes, depending on the day. Then, I practice some Yin Yoga or Vinyasa, or a little bit of both. Once I am done with my asana practice, I sit again, and chant OM, and give myself the sign of the cross, and say Amen. It is perfect for what fulfills me. I look forward to it every day, and I am thankful to god, every day, not just once per week at Church. I thank god for the food on our table, for my husband, my puppies, the family and friends that surround us, and everything that is a blessing. To me, that is the important part of religion or spirituality. It is being thankful and grateful. It is practicing contentment-Samtosad.

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Paper or Plastic?

As a yoga instructor and a woman, I feel it is my duty to share this link with you. It is regarding the dangers of plastic.

Please start making the following changes and inspire others to do the same:
· Stop purchasing plastic bottled water
· Stop purchasing plastic bottled drinks
· Ask for paper bags instead of plastic at the grocery store
· Change your plastic Tupperware to glass pyrex or another brand
A few years ago, I met a man on an airplane that did all kinds of research around the world. He told me how BAD plastic was. It is so bad that it even works as a hormone/endocrine disruptor. He told me how there were children in other countries getting their periods at very early ages. It made me wonder why so many women these days are having trouble getting pregnant and miscarrying so often. At least a few times per month, I meet someone who has some type of issue with their reproductive organs or having trouble conceiving. Now, I know there might be some other things involved with these issues, but plastic doesn’t help the situation.

If you have a special woman or women in your life, do the right thing. Don’t add to this problem. We can all help somehow. Spread this message and make some changes for the betterment of our health.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Home Practice

Developing an asana practice at home was not an easy task. Somehow, I found sitting still and meditating a lot easier. I craved the stillness and silence. As a teacher, I still enjoyed attending yoga classes around town. Last year, I finally started to practice yin yoga at home and it has become my regular practice. Now, as the summer begins, I am craving more Vinyasa Yoga, so I have added that to my home practice as well.

Thursday, February 7, 2008


"The Bright Stuff"
Columbus Alive Magazine
Feb. 28, 2008 Health & Fitness Issue

The KATICA line was featured at this year's
Arnold Fitness Expo Fashion Show
Greater Columbus Convention Center
Columbus, Ohio
Sunday, March 2nd, 12:00-1:30 PM

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

What does "Dark Blue or Indigo" Represent?

Energy: Inner strength, intuition, positive outlook, deep calm and serenity
Planet: Saturn-honor this planet on Saturdays
6th Chakra: Ajna-located between the eyebrows (third eye)
Feng Shui Element: Water

Saturday, January 26, 2008

What does "Red" represent?

Energy: Life energy, physical strength and vitality, joy, excitement, passion, luck
Planets: Mars-honor this planet on Tuesdays and the Sun-honor this planet on Sundays
1st Chakra: Muladhara-located at the root/base of the spine
Feng Shui Element: Fire

What does "Green" represent?

Energy: Brings balance, harmony, growth, and healing
Planet: Mercury-honor this planet on Wednesdays
4th Chakra: Anahata-located at the heart center
Feng Shui Element: Wood
Shop at

Symbolism behind KATICA Yoga Apparel

My design inspiration for the KATICA line was "color." I knew that I wanted to incorporate colorful pieces in a sophisticated style that had a meaning behind them. Each color represents an idea, theory, planet, etc. Read on for more details.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Yoga Apparel

In August of 2006, I started my own business, selling my own line of branded yoga apparel, named KATICA. I sell locally and online at It has been so rewarding to combine my love for yoga with fashion.

Practicing Yoga

My day always begins with breathing exercises and mantra meditation. It is a great way to start the day, calm and with a clear mind. After my meditation, I usually practice Yin Yoga, consisting of a few floor stretches while staying in each pose for 3-4 minutes.